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Announcement 2

Posted on December 1, 2023

Public Announcement Homepage Feature

Category Requirement: In order for a public announcement to appear on the Homepage Announcements section, a post must have one of the following categories:

Public Announcement 1” or “Public Announcement 2

A public announcement typically refers to information or messages disseminated by local authorities or community organizations to inform residents about important events, news, or changes that affect the community.

Announcement Best Practices

These announcements can take various forms, including:

  • Official Statements: Statements issued by the town government or local authorities regarding matters of public interest, such as policy changes, upcoming events, or community updates.
  • Community Announcements or Celebrations: Celebrating milestones, acknowledging community achievements, or announcing local awards and recognitions could be appropriately highlighted by marking related posts as sticky, ensuring that they remain prominently showcased on the town’s website.
  • Infrastructure Projects: Notifications about upcoming construction or infrastructure projects that may impact residents, including road closures or utility maintenance.
  • Emergency Alerts: Important information related to emergencies, such as weather alerts, evacuation notices, or other critical situations affecting public safety.
  • Policy Changes: Announcements about changes in local regulations, policies, or ordinances that residents need to be aware of.
  • Public Meetings: Notices about upcoming town hall meetings, public forums, or hearings where community members can participate or provide input on important issues.
  • Community Services or Programs: Information about local programs, services, or initiatives aimed at benefiting residents, such as recycling drives, educational workshops, community outreach programs, health clinics, or recreational activities.